Did you really just say that?

I was recently at a store and a Baby Boomer-aged man came up to chat for a moment.

“When are you going to hire another woman?”

Not an unreasonable question, since our staff has been down by one and our weather team currently consists of four guys. I replied that we happen to have a female meteorologist joining us next month.

He came back with something along the lines of “good, we need somebody to look at!”

I immediately felt uncomfortable and was thrown a back on my heels a bit. I stammered something about that having diversity is good because it provides different perspectives. Thankfully, the conversation ended and we both went our separate ways. (The fact that he was a store employee added to my discomfort.)

I’m sure that he felt his comment was nothing more than a joke, something innocuous. But it has been rolling around in my head in the days since then and it’s been bothering me. Many of my female colleagues work hard and give a rip about what they do, yet some people reduce them to whether or not they’re eye candy. That’s BS. Yes, we all acknowledge that, in media, how one appears is a reality that we have to deal with. But come on. The “something to look at” is not okay. There’s another subtlety to those words: something, not someone. Doubly not okay.

I can’t begin to figure out how women put up with this nonsense.

1 thought on “Did you really just say that?”

  1. I am constantly amazed that even with the #MeToo movement and all the attention bad behavior is getting, there are still plenty of men who Just Don’t Get It. I’ve had men try to make me an ally, “You know it’s nothing personal, right? I mean, *you* get it, right?

    Nope. I don’t get it. And it *is* personal.

    Thanks for this, Justin. I’m glad it made you uncomfortable.

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